
What is the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?

The JSNA is a continuous process by which Health and Wellbeing Boards assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of the local population to inform local decision making.


  • Characterises the health and wellbeing status of the local population
  • Identifies inequalities
  • Illustrates trends
  • Describes local communities
  • Highlights key findings

JSNAs were first introduced in 2008, to strengthen working between Local Authorities and the NHS. Since it’s initial report format in 2008, the Wakefield JSNA progressed to a website in 2011 and subsequent re-designs occurred in 2017 and 2023. The current website is continually updated, with core elements updated each year, along with specific topics created in line with priorities agreed by the JSNA steering group.


Wakefield’s Health and Wellbeing Board provide strategic leadership for the JSNA process. The board should delegate strategic and operational functions to different groups, each with clear roles and responsibilities, whilst retaining overall executive control of the process. Wakefield has a JSNA stakeholder steering group, who meet on a quarterly basis to discuss ongoing developments and progress. Each year the steering group decides the priority topics to be developed for that year, which are then created by the Public Health Intelligence Team in partnership with other teams across the health and care system. The steering group has members from partners across the system, including the Local Authority, the NHS, Healthwatch Wakefield and Nova Wakefield District.