The documents we draw upon in the JSNA often contain medical jargon, acronyms and other unusual terms. This page lists the more common of those, along with a definition.
If you spot anything missing, please send us a suggestion.
Term | Definition | |
A&E | Accident and Emergency | |
AAACM | All age all cause mortality | |
Alcohol attributable /related admissions or deaths |
Cases (admissions or deaths) where the underlying cause was a condition thought to be directly or indirectly attributable to excessive alcohol consumption. This takes into account the fact that for many conditions excessive alcohol consumption is known to be a contributory factor to some, but not all, cases. Alcohol specific admissions or deaths These cases (admissions or deaths) are a subset of all alcohol attributable / related cases, and cover cases relating to conditions such as acute alcohol poisoning or alcoholic liver disease or alcoholic cardiomyopathy, where excessive alcohol consumption is a contributory factor in all cases. |
APHO | Association of Public Health Observatories | |
ASB | Anti-social behaviour | |
ASD | Autistic spectrum disorder | |
BMI | Body mass index | |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services | |
CARATS | Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice and Throughcare | |
CASH | Clinics Contraceptive and sexual health clinics | |
CHD | Coronary heart disease | |
Commissioning | A continuous cycle of activities that contribute to the securing of services, including the specification of services to be delivered, contract negotiations, target setting, monitoring and managing performance. | |
Confidence Interval (CI) | A 95% confidence interval is a range within which the true population would fall for 95 per cent of the times the sample survey was repeated. It depends on the amount of variation in the underlying population and the sample size, and is a standard way of expressing the statistical accuracy of a survey-based estimate. | |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
CPR | Child Protection Register | |
CSCI | Commission for Social Care Inspection | |
CSIP | Care Services Improvement Partnership | |
CVD | Cardio-vascular disease | |
CVS | Councils for Voluntary Services | |
DCLG | Department for Communities and Local Government | |
Dental caries | A disease that damages tooth structures, resulting in what is commonly called tooth decay or cavities, which are holes in the teeth. | |
DH / DoH | Department of Health | |
DLA | Disability Living Allowance | |
DPH | Director of Public Health | |
DSR | Directly Standardised Rate | A rate that is calculated by applying the age specific rates of each age group to a standard population structure, in most cases the European population. This produces age standardised rates that the population would have if the age distribution were the same as the standard population. This method allows for comparison between areas which have different age structures |
Dual Diagnosis | People with substance misuse and psychiatric problems. | |
DWP | Department of Work and Pensions | |
Elective admission | A planned admission | |
Emergency admission | An unplanned admission | |
Equalities impact assessment (EIA) | An assessment that should be carried out on any policy, plan as a matter of course, to assess if the policy/plan is likely to discriminate against any equalities group. | |
FSA | Food Standards Agency | |
GP | General Practitioner | |
GUM | Genito-urinary medicine | |
GVA | Gross value added | |
HCAI | Hospital Care Acquired Infections | |
HEA | Health equity audit | |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus | |
HNA | Health needs assessment | |
HPA | Health Protection Agency | |
HPV | Human Papilloma Virus | |
ICD10 | International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems (10th version) | |
IDU | Injecting drug user | |
IDTS | Integrated Drug Treatment System | |
IHD | Ischaemic heart disease | |
IMD | Index of Multiple Deprivation – Combines a range of indicators into a single deprivation score, including social and economic measures and a measure for “Health Deprivation and Disability”. These measures may be used individually, or can be combined to rank areas relative to each other so that comparisons can be made. | |
Incidence | The rate at which new cases of a disease occur. | |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient | |
IVF | In-vitro fertilisation | |
IVDU | Intravenous Drug User | |
JSNA | Joint Strategic Needs Assessment | |
Key Stage | Educational assessment stage | |
KSI | Killed or seriously injured | |
LA | Local authority | |
LAA | Local Area Agreement | |
LD | Learning difficulties | |
LGBT | Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender | |
LLTI | Limiting long-term illness | |
LSOA, SOA | Lower level super output area – a new geographic hierarchy designed to improve the reporting of small area statistics | |
MIND | National Association for Mental Health | |
MMR | Measles, mumps and rubella (vaccine) | |
Morbidity | A diseased state, disability, or poor health due to any cause | |
Mortality | The condition of being mortal, or susceptible to death | |
Mosaic | Socio-demographic segmentation tool based on lifestyle data. Mosaic aims to segment the population into a number of distinct groups where the members share similar characteristics. | |
MRSA | Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus | |
MSOA | Middle level super output area – a new geographic hierarchy designed to improve the reporting of small area statistics | |
MYE | Mid year (population) estimates | |
NCMP | National Child Measurement Programme | |
NDTMA | National Drug Treatment Monitoring Agency | |
NEET | Young people not in education, employment and training | |
Net migration | Inward migration minus outward migration | |
NHS | National Health Service | |
NI | National indicators | |
NICE | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence | |
NPT | Neighbourhood Policing Team | |
NRT | Nicotine Replacement Therapy | |
NSF | National Service Framework | |
Obese | Body mass index of over 30 | |
ONS | Office for National Statistics | |
Overweight | Body mass index 25-30 | |
PALS | Patient Advice & Liaison Service | |
PANSI | Projecting Adult Needs and Service Information System | |
PBC | Practice-based commissioning | |
PCT | Primary Care Trust | |
Place Survey | National survey carried out every two years by every local authority in England and is run on behalf of the DCLG. | |
POPPI | Projecting Older People Population Information | |
Prevalence | The proportion of a population who have a disease. | |
PSA | Public sector agreement | |
QOF | Quality Outcomes Framework (indicator) | |
RNID | Royal National Institute for Deaf People | |
RSL | Registered social landlord | |
RTA | Road traffic accident | |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome | |
SEN | Special educational needs | |
Spearhead/Spearhead Areas | The Spearhead Areas are the fifth of all areas with the highest levels of deprivation in England | |
STI | Sexually transmitted infection | |
TB | Tuberculosis | |
VCS | Voluntary and community sector | |
Vital Signs | NHS/PCT performance management/measurement framework (including targets based on local and national priorities). | |
Vital Statistics | Office for National Statistics publication of statistics relating to births and deaths. | |
Ward | Electoral and administrative boundary. | |
WHO | World Health Organisation | |
YOS | Youth Offending Service | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost |
This table was adapted from NHS Wiltshire’s JSNA.